Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prayer For Forgiveness

Feeling gloomy on a rainy day. Feeling confused and without direction. Hoping God comes to take me out of this dump and washes me clean and restores my hope back. Feeling distant from Him. I've disregarded His precious and life-saving powerful Word. It's no wonder I'm feeling so weak.

Forgive me, Lord for not seeking You the way I always should this entire week. I've asked for prayer from many and have whispered my words to You, but I haven't knelt down to pray, nor have I picked up Your Word to find light, guidance and direction. And even with that, You still have managed to send me sweet messages and soothing Words to comfort me and help my lost hope. Thank You for Your mercies toward me even when I've stopped seeking You appropriately. This is how good You truly are. I'm so sorry for having doubts about you on Thursday night and yesterday. Make me capable of waiting for You. I want to fully trust You. Let me be still and let You be God. Let me trust You even when it seems You are silent. Help me remember, know and trust that it is in silence that You are Your hardest at work. 

Thank You so much for always lending me Your listening ear. I'm so grateful and compelled that You don't turn Your back on me and that no matter how long I'm gone, You welcome me back each time with open arms. I love You and I should demonstrate that more often through my actions and not just my words. I'm deeply sorry, Lord. 

Bless me on this Sabbath day. Renew my spirit, my mind and heart. Clean me. Restore my joy so that I may enjoy fellowship with You. Uplift me. Pick me up. Give me Your joy back--please, I beg of You. 

Thank You, because I can already start to feel the difference. I'm already starting to feel better. You're truly the Greatest!!! *MUAHHH* It's in Your holy name that I pray this. Amen!


Grisel ❤

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